Hello Friends! I decided to take a little break from blogging to rest my eyes, but I am back now and I've got a few things to share. Even though I wasn't blogging, I was still coloring! Hey! I had to do something in my down time! :)
If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that I kept right up with the 30 Day Coloring Challenge. It officially ends on the 31st of this month, which is tomorrow, but I will continue to post each day's coloring separately, so I don't overwhelm myself or any of you! So, my last post was Day 23. Let's take a look at what I did for Day 24...
I attended a SCRAPBOOK EXPO! Oh my goodness! I hadn't been to one in years. I went to take a few workshops, but I got caught up in all of the booths and just enjoyed what each one had to offer. I was a little apprehensive about going alone but, I REALLY wanted to go, so I put on my big girl panties and went. I had a blast! Just me, myself and I. There was soooo much to see and do. I didn't plan enough time to do it all, next time I will have a better plan...and different shoes.
Sooo, here's a peek at some of the goodies I came away with...
There was definitely TONS of merchandise to purchase. And so many wonderful products to see! Since I am in to watercoloring, I decided to spend a lot of my time at booths that promoted watercoloring. I stopped at Art Impressions and boy was I glad I did! I not only got to meet the daughter of the creator, owner and artist behind Art Impressions, but she and I talked for over an hour and she showed me how to use their products to get a real watercolor effect.
Please note: I DID NOT PAINT THIS!! It was painted for me, during a demonstration of Art Impressions products. Isn't it gorgeous?! I learned so much! It's a very easy process that was done using rubber stamps and markers!
Another booth that held my attention for a long time was Sparkle N Sprinkle. Oh. My. Word! The glitter was flooooowing at this booth. I was blown away by all of the colors and types of glitter this shop offers. Check them out online and on YouTube...They have some AMAZING things going on! If I said I stayed at this booth for over an hour, I would not be exaggerating. Demo Donna was a dynamo! I enjoyed several of her demos, but the one that stole my heart, was the glittering technique she used on one of my favorite words...BELIEVE.
You have to click on this picture to see all that delicious sparkle in its glory! I really did have a hard time containing myself at this booth! But, I walked away and did not buy anything. Yes! I wanted to come home, away from all the sparkles, where I could make good decisions and take my time making my color selections. Because I tell you what, I really wanted to buy each and every color! The technique that was used here is very easy and involves a product called Tear-riffic Tape. It's an adhesive that allows you to tear away bits at a time. And that is how the two-toned glittering effect was achieved. SUPER COOL, guys! SUPER COOL! This technique uses micro-fine glitter, so it gets burnished into the tape, the excess gets brushed off and the remaining glitter STAYS PUT! Gotta love that!
I also visited a very unique booth, with lots of imported items. And I found these really interesting handmade bamboo paint brushes.
I was told that the bristles are all natural, from a white Chinese hog. *shrugs* Ok. I was told that they hold their shape and apply color smoothly and beautifully. I have yet to try them, so I can't say whether the claims are true. I can tell you that they smell wonderful! LoL! Like a spicy floral. The scent has faded a bit now, but when I first purchased them, they smelled great! That's funny, huh? I only bought two and The Hubs told me that I would be sorry later that I didn't buy more. I choose to look at this way...what if they suck? Haha! Then I only bought two and into the trash they go! And if they are good, I can pick up a few more at the next Expo.
Anyway...even though I didn't color, I counted today as Day 24 because I learned about coloring and I got my hands a little inky playing around in the various booths. I had a great time, even met a few nice folks and I definitely plan to attend more events like this.
Thanks for stopping by today! Have a great Friday!

If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that I kept right up with the 30 Day Coloring Challenge. It officially ends on the 31st of this month, which is tomorrow, but I will continue to post each day's coloring separately, so I don't overwhelm myself or any of you! So, my last post was Day 23. Let's take a look at what I did for Day 24...
I attended a SCRAPBOOK EXPO! Oh my goodness! I hadn't been to one in years. I went to take a few workshops, but I got caught up in all of the booths and just enjoyed what each one had to offer. I was a little apprehensive about going alone but, I REALLY wanted to go, so I put on my big girl panties and went. I had a blast! Just me, myself and I. There was soooo much to see and do. I didn't plan enough time to do it all, next time I will have a better plan...and different shoes.
Sooo, here's a peek at some of the goodies I came away with...
Please note: I DID NOT PAINT THIS!! It was painted for me, during a demonstration of Art Impressions products. Isn't it gorgeous?! I learned so much! It's a very easy process that was done using rubber stamps and markers!
Another booth that held my attention for a long time was Sparkle N Sprinkle. Oh. My. Word! The glitter was flooooowing at this booth. I was blown away by all of the colors and types of glitter this shop offers. Check them out online and on YouTube...They have some AMAZING things going on! If I said I stayed at this booth for over an hour, I would not be exaggerating. Demo Donna was a dynamo! I enjoyed several of her demos, but the one that stole my heart, was the glittering technique she used on one of my favorite words...BELIEVE.
I also visited a very unique booth, with lots of imported items. And I found these really interesting handmade bamboo paint brushes.
I was told that the bristles are all natural, from a white Chinese hog. *shrugs* Ok. I was told that they hold their shape and apply color smoothly and beautifully. I have yet to try them, so I can't say whether the claims are true. I can tell you that they smell wonderful! LoL! Like a spicy floral. The scent has faded a bit now, but when I first purchased them, they smelled great! That's funny, huh? I only bought two and The Hubs told me that I would be sorry later that I didn't buy more. I choose to look at this way...what if they suck? Haha! Then I only bought two and into the trash they go! And if they are good, I can pick up a few more at the next Expo.
Anyway...even though I didn't color, I counted today as Day 24 because I learned about coloring and I got my hands a little inky playing around in the various booths. I had a great time, even met a few nice folks and I definitely plan to attend more events like this.
Thanks for stopping by today! Have a great Friday!

Oh Barbara my Sweet! I wish I could attend such an Expo! Nothing like that around here at all Wow what an amazing day you must have had! Love the visits you had with the AI Daughter how sweet and I can't wait to see tutorials come out of you with your own take on these products! I'll check out that glitter link soon! Muah!
Ooooh, I'm so excited for you, Barb! That is the same expo I went to when it was here! I spent a lot of time at Stamps by Judith and the glitter booth. I almost bought a bunch of glittery stuff, but I stopped myself for the same reason you did! I stopped by the same booth where you got the black line stickers and was tempted all over again, but I stayed strong. :) I am proud of you for going by yourself. Let me tell you, I go to a lot of these types of events by myself, at first because there was no one to go with and now, I prefer it. Why? I can can go at my own pace and can focus on just what I want to see. If you were with a friend or daughter you might not have talked to that person for so long! Anyway, glad you went and had fun and learned so much! Thanks for sharing!! Hugs! Happy Halloween to you as well.
Oh, Barb, I'm so glad you got some needed rest for your eyes and still kept up with the 30 Day Coloring Challenge. And what fun going to the Scrapbook Expo! Oh, I love all your goodies! Looking forward to seeing more of your coloring! Hugs!
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