Hello Friends! Today I am sharing another assignment from the His & Hers online card class. We were to create 'Thinking of You" cards. Kristina used a sketch for the cards she shared. She used the same sketch for both of the male and female versions. And that is what I decided to do, as well.
I've used the same layout for each card. Using different colors is an obvious change. But, by changing the elements on the card, the layout takes on a very different look...Using a ship for the focal on 'his' card and a butterfly on 'hers'; using a soft script background behind the butterfly on 'hers' and a vintage map behind the ship on 'his'; using a floral motif patterned paper on 'hers' and grungy compass patterned paper on 'his'; using brads on 'his' card and gems on 'her' card. We also learned to pay attention to the font used on the greeting. On 'his' card, the font is bold, with no flourishes or loops. On 'hers', the word "you" is in cursive, and that adds a bit of softness. Either font can be used on either card, really, but the point is to make it clear that one is for a male and one is for a female. There are lots of good little tips like this being shared in class.
That's it for me. Thanks for dropping in!

That's it for me. Thanks for dropping in!

How awesome is this! What great tips you are getting. I really like how by just changing the papers and a few little bits you can have essentially the same card feel so different. Great work! And I really like each card in its own right. Great masculine card and excellent feminine card as well.
Well done! Love them both!
Your DP, focal images and stamped background for each image create great his and her cards. Thanks for sharing re the font.
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