Monday, October 6, 2008

Pink Ribbons...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and I wanted to be sure to acknowledge my friends and family members who are or were battling this disease. You may have noticed the PINK RIBBON icon on my blog, right now it's at the very top as a reminder to all of us to get a mammogram. If you would take a moment each time you visit my blog and click on that pink ribbon and then click on the mammogram link, you will help to provide free mammograms for women who can not afford one.

There are several women in my life who have been touched by breast cancer. Some are cancer free, some are still in the fight and sadly, a few have succumbed.

My cousin, Jennifer*
Aunt Barbara
Aunt Paula**
Aunt Tiny**

*still in the fight.

I am sure that each of you could add names to my list.Together, we can make a difference. Many retailers are selling 'pink' items this month and a portion of the profits from those items goes to assist with breast cancer research. WE NEED TO FIND A CURE! And that takes money. Please consider making a 'pink' purchase this month.
Thanks for stopping by today.



Risa said...

Well said Barb!!!
I am so sorry to hear about your friends that have lost their lives to breast cancer. Your friends that are in remission are in my thoughts and prayers. We must find a cure for this dreadful disease!!

Maricar said...

I bought a pink chair to use at soccer games ...

stampmonkey said...

That is quite a long list. Thank you for going the extra mile to make others aware of this tragic disease.