I'm just dropping by for a sec! I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I trust everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years Day... Many of you knew I was having surgery a few days after Christmas, I did and everything went well. I did end up having one ovary removed, as the tumors had engulfed it so, it couldn't be saved. BUT...I still have one healthy one and that means NO hormone replacement therapy. I am recovering nicely, but can still only sit up in small blocks of time. As for the lump in my breast, still no news. I have had mammograms, but now I have to go for more in depth imaging. Ahh!...hopefully this will be resolved by the end of the month. Overall, I feel great and I'm looking forward to being able to resume all of the activities I enjoyed so much, prior to becoming ill. I am itching to get in my Studio and create...I've been ordering goodies from all over the place and the boxes are starting to come in! I am so excited about getting new projects underway. I am also eager to visit your blogs to see what you've all been up to!
In my absence, I've lost several blog followers, but that doesn't worry me, because the real friends are still here! I am not sure that I will ever blog every day again, what a chore! but I will blog more often. And for those of you who followed my
365 Blog...even though I didn't post the layouts, I still continued to snap photos of our days and create layouts when I could. I am just about finished with the Album.I highly recommend that you create a 365 Album for your family, it was a lot of work, but the end result is so very precious. I may post the completed Album on the Blog, but I can't make any promises!
Okay...I think my time is up for today! Thanks for stopping by! Until next time...
I'm glad you're recovering well!
Barb, it's so good to hear from you. I'm glad that you are doing well. Just take it easy and don't try and overdo it. Blessings to you.
Ohhh Barb I didn't know you had surgery!!! Hope you get well VERY soon. I also pray that you find out about the more in depth mammogram soon.
Sending good thoughts your way.
Happy New YEar.
Barb, I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't been well and even had to have surgery. Wow! I'm glad you are feeling a bit better and hope that you get good news on the test results.
You've had a difficult time of it as of late, and I truly hope that 2010 sets things back to rights.
Barb, I am so glad to hear how you are doing. I pray for you every day hoping you have a healthy recovery. It is so nice to see you post this on your blog. You take care of yourself and create when you feel like it.
You can come back to DZ Doodles when you are up to it. Just let me know.
I didn't realize your surgery was so recent! And a BIG yay! for no HRT! I'll be praying for a quick and complete recovery for you.
Yep, your friends wouldn't leave ya just because you're not posting every day (I can't even keep up with the random posts! lol). Life's not about the numbers -- thank goodness! ;)
Hello Barb and Happy New Year wishes to you and your family!
I'm so glad to know that your surgery was a success and I'm saying a prayer for you dear. I know that when I had similar surgery a few years ago, I wasn't able to do "any thing" for a while because of the pain. You have it going it and I pray that you continue to get stronger every day:)
I think that it is a shame that some people will remove their names from your blog list etc. because of lack of post. Don't some people realize that family matters come first?!
Take care now and get plenty of rest.
Hey Barb!
I just wanted to send my love and prayers. I haven't been around in the bloggy world much lately & didn't even know you'd been going through all of this. I pray you are continuing to recover wonderfully!
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