I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day. The weather in my little corner of the world was just beautiful. It was a warm, sunny 76 degrees and the sky was so so blue! It felt like Spring. As many of you know, we celebrate
Valentine's Day really big at our home, almost as big as Christmas. My girls and I were very excited about what was being planned for us this year. Since Valentine's Day was on Sunday, Victoria came home from school to celebrate with us. My Man planned a wonderful weekend in Las Vegas...staying at
Bellagio and having Valentine's Day brunch at
Mandalay Bay, a little shopping in
Paris, a Show perhaps, a candy run to
Ethel M for some of their yummy Pecan Brittle and some relaxing. Sounds good, right? Yeah...well, the dog got sick, our car died and we had a family member that had an emergency that required our assistance. SO. We stayed home. Yep, we were disappointed too. BUT...My Man pulled that proverbial rabbit out of his hat! And on Valentine's Day, I woke up to rose petals strewn all over my room, with a trail going out into the hallway, down the stairs, around the landing and into the dining room where he had gifts, balloons and a cake on the table! We went to church first and then came home and tore into those packages! Then he treated us to a fabulous lunch at my favorite spot
P.F. Changs China Bistro. I normally would not go to a regular restaurant on Valentine's Day, but we went early and we were seated immediately and were able to relax and enjoy our lunch without feeling pressured or rushed. Then we went to the movies. We ended our evening with chocolates, a slice of that yummy cake and a glass of my very favorite pink champagne. It turned out to be a very lovely Valentine's Day! And now, a few pics from our day!

This is My Man. He really is as sweet as he looks. Just a really good guy. I've been with this man since I was 16 years old and he continues to amaze me with all the stuff he comes up with.

Our dining room...look at those rose petals! They were everywhere!

My Man gives each of us our favorite candy and gifts that are sure to please. He's really into the Lakers, so we got him a bunch of Lakers stuff. We don't buy him candy, because he eats ours!

Daddy with his daughters. The girls didn't plan their 'twin' outfits. When they came out of their bedrooms they discovered that they were dressed alike. They loved it!

And here I am with my babies.
Thank you so much for stopping by today. I still have a few Valentine's Day cards to share, so I'll be back in a few days. Until then...
Sorry you didn't make it to Vegas, but looks like you had a wonderful time at home!
Sounds like your day was absolutely wonderful, despite the disappointment of not being able to go to Vegas as planned. Your family really knows how to celebrate, gotta say that! How fun it must be, and how special your man is to treat you in such a way! You are definitely very loved, Barb...and it's no wonder! Thanks for sharing these pics with us too. ;)
Your post warmed my heart. Lucky lady, you are, and most likely, deserving, too. It's a good thing when all the love you give comes back to you.
Wow, wow, wow! Your post gave me chills! Your Man (hee hee) is such a sweetie! I love to see what your family does each year for Valentine's Day. Warms my heart to see a family who loves each other so much!
I'm glad you and the family had such a wonderful day together!
Awwww what awesome photos Barb!!! and I love the little floaty hearts on your blog!
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