Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sparkle's Christmas Card Challenge #41

Hi everyone! I joined in Sparkle's Christmas Card Challenge again. This week, the challenge was to use Christmas Trees on our cards. I used this lovely Christmas tree embossing folder. I lightly sponged on PTI's Fresh Snow ink and added some bling using Kaiser rhinestones. The card stock is GinaK Designs, Kraft, Ivory and Fresh Asparagus...I am really loving her card stock these days. It's nice and thick and can stand up to a lot of embellishments.

Thanks for the visit! Unitl next time...



Anonymous said...

Barb, this is beautiful! I love the embossed tree. So glad you joined us for another CCC!

Jeanne said...

Absolutely beautiful, Barb! You are definitely on a roll with your card-making these days! Keep up the great work!

Kim Burmeister said...

Barb, your Christmas card is gorgeous! I am so far behind on my cards this year. Fantastic job!

Carolyn said...

OMG Barb this is goreous! I need that folder! :) KWIM

Beebeebabs said...

Absolutely gorgeous Barb tfs!!!

Kathi Carlson said...

So very pretty, Barb!

Alanna said...

This is so gorgeous. I think I might even have that embossing folder. Yes, I think I might have it which means it hasn't seen any use if I do. I'm going to have to remedy that.

Anyway, it's so pretty.

Risa said...

Whoa.....your card is a stunner Barb! The embossing is gorgeous and the accents compliment your tree beautifully!

Sparkplug17 said...

So pretty! I love the rhinestones!

Trina said...

Barb, I feel like I can't say anything about this card that everyone else didn't already say... This is beautiful!