This is the day that we've been looking forward to...Patricia got her braces removed this morning! I have been documenting her journey with photos and I am making a small digital album for her, complete with journaling; not only my thoughts, but hers as well. I caputured everything...the joy and the tears. The photos of her tooth extractions, the pics where all she could eat was mashed potatoes and gravy-from KFC of course! LOL! And the pictures of when she had colorful rubber bands on her teeth. I thought I would share just a few photos with all of you and her grandparents and aunties,too.
ETA-I've been getting e-mails asking her age. Patricia was 10 when she got her braces. She is 12 now.
12-5-2006 This is a photo from our consultation appointment. The orthodontist took one look in her mouth and turned to me and said, "Wow." I knew we were in for a long ride. Trisha's mouth was just too small for her permanent teeth and they were coming in fast and causing crowding. I really didn't want to put braces on her teeth, but I didn't have a choice once I found out what her life would be like as she got older. Not pretty.

4-18-2007 This is the big day! She had a few teeth extracted and had worn the expander for a few months and today was the day she was getting braces. As excited as we were, our excitement turned quickly, because Trisha was in a fair amount of pain. She took it like a trooper and didn't complain...much. Her dad bought her a big ol' container of mashed 'taters n' gravy from KFC, because she couldn't chew at all. She was a happy camper then. ***You have to click on this photo to really see what we were attempting to correct.

3-18-2009 And here we are at the end of the journey! Look at those teeth! Trisha was supposed to wear her braces for three years and she finished up in just under two. Her orthodontist was very pleased at her progress and he is really pleased about the end result. So are we! Hey Mom and Lee...look at that smile!
Thanks for stopping by today. Until next time...
How awesome! I didn't get my braces off til my freshman year in college. I had them airbrush my braces out of my senior pics, lol.
Her teeth look great! Comparing her face was fun, too - from cute to beautiful!!! Happy Day!
Wow! Her teeth are beautiful! Congrats! All the pain is definitely worth it! Great smile!
Her teeth are beautiful now. I also got braces around that age. Serious overcrowding. She is a very beautiful girl, as well. How fun that you've documented this whole journey.
Look at how beautiful she is! Fantastic transformation. I kept scrolling back and forth between the photos because I couldn't get over the difference in her face (not just the teeth) in the two year span. From a sweet girl to a beautiful young woman. Amazing.
And that you have documented this for her is terrific. What a mom!
Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations! She looks wonderful...I know it was a long journey with lots of pain and trips to the ortho and cooking soft foods, but IT IS DONE! I remember when I got mine off, I felt so free...
Wow..what a wonderful transformation.
By the way she is gorgeous! Pretty from the inside out, the way God made us ;)
She is a beautiful young lady and she would be with or without having her teeth straightened. But I would think it would help her to have more confidence to have them straightened. I find it amazing how they can do that to someone's teeth! My daughter had braces for 18 mo because of a bite problem and we are glad she did it. My son will be next as he has similar crowding and crooked teeth like your daughter had.
Her teeth look great! My 11 year old is getting braces in the next 6 months. She just needs braces--no extractions or expanders. She has an overbite and lots of gaps in her teeth.
I hope I remember to take pictures of the process.
Oh My! She is so beautiful! What a nice job on her smile!!!! Absolutely amazing! She is very lucky to have this help. You are a great Mom.
Sharli - CTMH, AZ
Tricia is such a beautiful girl and her smile is AMAZING! Speaking of beautiful smiles, you have a beautiful smile also must run in the family!
How awesome is THAT! What a beautiful smile/young lady!
OMGoodness, Barb, you've got another beauty on your hands! What an amazing transformation these pics document --isn't it dramatic what a little time and money can do?! We're going through that phase (again! --4th time, so far) right now too. I showed Noah the before/after pics of Patricia, and he was shocked and so excited and encouraged at the difference the braces made. I think maybe now he can see why it's worth it to have to give up chips and chewy candy -lol! tfs
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